Hachi : A Dog's Tale ( originally titled Hachiko : A Dog's Story for festival screenings ) is a 2009 drama based on the true story of a faithful Akita, the titular Hachiko. It is a remake of the 1987 film Hachi-kö literally " The Tale of Hachiko " . It was directed by Lasse Hallström , written by Stephen P. Lindsey and stars Richard Gere , Joan Allen , and Sarah Roemer . In the modern day, a class full of young students are giving oral presentations about personal heroes. A boy named Ronnie stands up and begins to tell of 'Hachiko', his grandfather's dog. Years before, an Akita puppy is sent from Japan to the United States, but his cage falls off the baggage cart at an American train station, where he is found by college professor Parker Wilson. Parker is instantly captivated by the dog. When Carl, the station controller, refuses to take him, Parker takes the puppy home overnight. His wife Cate is insistent about not keeping the puppy. ...